🔞Girl in a sexy pose


It's been awhile since I made a sprite. I originally planned to make a bunch of these as window-sitters for my website, but decided to use my in-game sprites instead because they literally fit better.

But that also means I have this whole list of sprite projects just... sitting here.

I have an idea. Let's use vectors to create the shapes, and then I'll scale it down and use my anti-aliasing technique to turn it into a sprite.

I think I'll aim for about double my usual in-game sprite size, so instead of 32 pixels tall, this will be about 64 pixels tall. Let's just add a few general details to turn it into Misty first.

Go into Aseprite. Use a 2x2 grid. Turn on snapping. Then start "tracing" the edges and filling in the shapes.

Hmm... not a lot of contrast. Let's try outlining everything.

It's still pretty flat though. Let's add some details.

🔞Humbird0 Makes NSFW🎨
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Okay. I can't think of anything else to do to this, so I guess it's done.

Mar 23, 2023, 19:00 · · · website_to_mastodon · 1 · 0

And compared to the original pose. I really wish I knew who drew this. I found it ages ago. (Drawn by JabComix... I think?)

🔞NSFW (sexual female nudity), :baraag: UnderAge, Loli

------ Time-lapse video of "Making Misty Read"

I also recorded a short time-lapse video of this sprite being created. (60x normal speed)