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Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the aethy.com moderators.

  1. No discrimination or hateful ideals. This includes speech that espouses sexist beliefs, ableist rhetoric, or targets minorities and other marginalized groups (e.g. queerphobia, racism, misogyny, etc.). Members cannot hold beliefs related to nationalistic ideologies, ethnic superiority, religious persecution, racial discrimination, and/or queerphobia.
  2. Use proper content warnings! While sexual content, fictional gore, and heavier topics (distressing, political, spiritual, etc.) are allowed, it must be used with a warning that describes the content using the ⚠ (Content Warning) button. Warnings must properly describe the content in the post, typically with multiple words to properly describe the content which the viewer may be sensitive to. Media that requires content warnings also cannot be used in icons or profile banners.
  3. No harassment, violence or disparagement! Do not send aggressive unwanted criticism, disparaging remarks, unwanted advances, stalk other users, vague post, post opinions related to anti-kink activism (e.g. kink shaming) and do not circumvent blocks. Do not threaten others or yourself with physical harm. Members are also forbidden from attempting vigilantism (e.g. writing a callout)! Please simply report other users for violating our rules instead of policing them yourself!
  4. 18+ only! No one under the age of 18 may create an account or interact with CW'd content on this server. Users on this server must also communicate in age appropriate ways with minors on other servers. Those found violating this rule will be immediately suspended.
  5. No copyright infringement! Users must have the right to use the media they post. In cases where they don't, it must fall under Fair Use (e.g. fan art and fan fiction created by the user). Users must also give proper attribution to the original creators of the content.
  6. No abusive ideals related to consent! While clearly marked fiction is fine, we take a hard stance against those with ideals that advocate harmful contact in real life and movements which seek to normalize harmful attractions. This includes beliefs, iconography, and/or labels related to sexual or romantic contact between adults and minors (e.g. MAPs), humans and animals (e.g. zoophilia), or others who cannot or did not consent (this includes labels such as "radqueer" and "pro-para").
  7. Only post consensual and legal content! When posting sexual content, all parties must have consented to its creation and it being posted. That means no revenge porn, no sexual content featuring real or realistic renderings of people under the age of 18, and no sexual content of real animals. This includes external links to services where such content is typically hosted (e.g. Session).
  8. No spam or undisclosed bots! Do not use your account to excessively advertise products and services. Do not excessively follow, favorite, boost, or reply to content from other users with the intent of directing more attention to your account. Also, if your account is using bots to generate unique content or interact with other users, you must apply the "bot" label to your account.