SFW Fanfic [🐱👢....🐺]

This one is about Deaths side only u v u
This one is about Death being frustrated and very upset about his new obsession... >:3c

Death---s Frustrations

Awoken in the middle of twilight, Death rested on some comfortable mossy stones in the middle of limbo.
He grunts, massages his nose bridge and gets himself to sit up.
---A dream about Puss in Boots? Are you serious------ he mutters to himself.

The images of Puss gloating about his heroic life and what a great hero he is right before his death are mixing with the fading images of Puss being so close he could almost grab him. He stares at his empty paw and clenches it with the feeling of anger starting to boil in his stomach.

A flickering image of wide green eyes stuck with him throughout the day. An annoyance to him as it kept distracting him from doing his job.
One misstep as he walked towards the next accident to collect a soul. A little kid was supposed to save his grandma from being taken by a carriage passing by, but the distracted Wolf bumped into said kid and turned his eyes away at the wrong moment.

As Death realizes his mistake and saw the grandma die instead, it all poured right out of him. With a loud bark he threw his sickle with a force that almost destroyed the entire carriage. Not being able to hold back his swearing, he barks and growls for a straight 5 minutes. Pulling at his hood and in his final seconds before he calms down he puts his hands over his eyes and sighs.

The people around him thankfully being too distraught with the death of a person and the fact that Death isn---t that noticeable for mortals anyway, helped a lot with nobody noticing his little meltdown in the middle of the street.
He takes a deep breath before he steps towards the kid crying about hit grandma. He softly puts his paw on the little boys shoulder and softly smiles at him.
---Don---t worry, she---ll be taken care of now, she---ll be in good hands.---
He stands back up and takes the hand of the grannies soul, invisible to any mortal, and they both fade away.

On the boat to take the grandma to her destined place, Death can---t help but grumble and mutter to himself. The granny notices that as he sighs loudly and stares into his empty paw again and closes it with disappointment this time.
---What got you so troubled, my boy?--- The granny asks with a kind smile on her face.
Death looks at her but doesn---t reply. He then pulls up his hood and turns away from her. ---Oh, you can tell me, this old granny doesn---t have much time left anyway.---

Without turning around his gaze wanders as he thinks. ---Someone---s been distracting me for some time now------ he speaks softly but the cold and motionless water around them carries the words to her easily.
---Oh? How so, dear?--- The endearing words of the granny make him open up just a little, he turns to her. ---They---ve been on my mind ever since I woke up. It---s distracting.---
The grandma perks up and covers her mouth with her hand. ---Oh my!--- She exclaims. ---Are you in love by any chance, my dear boy?--- He flinches at the words.
---In love?--- Confused he turns around. He---s an immortal being, he shouldn---t be capable of such feelings. And even if he would be, the amount of anger that boils up at times, that is clearly not love.
---Well, you say you---ve been thinking about them since you woke up. Clearly if they---re on your mind all day, they have to mean a lot to you, don---t you think?---

While she talked Death slowly moved towards her and sat down next to her. ---I do not feel any compassion, ,granny. This one just makes me irrationally angry.--- He keeps his head high.
The old lady chuckles. ---Are you angry that they---re on your mind all day?---

The wolf blinks and looks at her wondering if she understood what he said and surprised that what she said--- could make sense.
---sometimes, when you like someone a lot, they keep being in your mind and they can distract you from what you---re supposed to do, so of course that can be annoying to some. But my young one, I think you like them a lot.---
With wide eyes the wolf listens to her, unmoving he turns his ears back as the lady moves her hand to pet his head.

---But my, my, you---re a handsome little lad, aren---t you?--- With her kind smile and words Death endures the pats as they are close to arrive. Holding his tail down as soon as he notices that it---s in motion.
Absolutely no way. She means well but this is far more complicated then her mortal brain can comprehend. he angrily thinks to himself.

SFW Fanfic [🐱👢]

Got the idea from one of my retrospring questions and I just HAD to write it down bc it's so adorable >w<

Puss---s new Blanket

He doesn---t like it.
He stares.
He just really isn---t a fan.

He jokingly told the wolf he---d ---Keep An Eye--- on it, but he just doesn---t like having it around. So he tells himself.

Time doesn---t seem to pass as he stares at the black poncho laying on top of the bed, a few feet from him, but he also can---t manage to take his eyes away from it.
He grumbles and mumbles to himself about that stupid dog just leaving things as he pleases.

But soon the curiosity takes him and he slides of the comfy chair he---s been sitting on slowly sneaking towards the huge piece of cloth on the bed.
Hovering his head just at the edge of the bed he frowns and catches a small whiff of it---s smell, he flinches back. ---Ough. Just what is this guy thinking?--- He starts to gesture at it. ---He just leaves his stinky sweat-catcher on my bed?! Does he have no decency?!--- He hisses, paws at it and moves back down to hover over the edge.

His eyes widen and he ducks down followed by a big leap onto the bed and the poncho. He stands on it with all fours for a moments, back arched, tail straight up. He looks at it suspiciously. Pauses. And as soon as the smell hit---s his nose again he lets himself fall and roll onto it.
Rolling left, rolling right then he lands on his belly and starts to knead his paws into it. A slow but deep purr starts to emanate out of his chest and he starts to rub his cheek against it.

After he stays and lays in the moment his eyes jolt open wide.
His back arcs in shock and he jumps off of the bed in an instant. He lands on his hind legs and starts hissing loudly. ---What?! Am I crazy?! What am I doing, laying on this horrendous...ly--- soft--- cotton--- piece of cloth?!--- He brushes and dusts off his fur.
He looks at it one more time before he bares his claws, digs it deep into the thick cloth of the poncho to pull it off the bed.

It rests in his paws for a moment.

He lets out a loud grumbly sigh.

And then drags it into the bed with him as he lays down to sleep. Most of the poncho is dangling off the bed and only the hood is pulled directly to puss and cuddled tightly.

Fluffy Villain ​:flag_polyamorous_new::xenogender_heart::Fire_Ace:
SFW Fanfic [🐱👢🐺]

Another one inspired by a retrospring question ; w ;
this idea was just way to adorable I had to,,,


A slight twitch tugs at his arm and sends him to the plane of the living again, or as it---d be for death, he woke up.
His eyes feel strained as he stems himself up, his paw wandering through his face to give him some clarity.
Sleeping? Why the hell would he need to--- A certain sweet smell hits his nose and his eyes widen when another bump against his arm gets his attention.

Puss in boots is why.
Who else would get him to do such a silly mortal thing. He rolls his eyes with a quiet groan.
The cat next to him twitches and rolls from side to side and the smell is making it even more obvious. He---s having a nightmare.
The smell of fear woke him up and rattled his senses in a way he didn't expect. He watches Puss writhe on the bed and a smile unconsciously starts to curl in the corners of his mouth.

What a sight to behold, he thinks to himself. A scared Puss was one thing, a sleeping one another, but both? He chuckles in delight and watches puss flinch seemingly in response. Curious, he propped himself up on his arm after he leaned back, his eyes never leaving Puss.
He hovers his paw over Puss as if wanting to play with him, moving it in rhythm with his twitching. Quiet mumbling starts to become audible as Puss grasps his own chest in pain. ---N...No--- No, there is still time. I-I can---t------ Death starts to listen intently. ---Not yet, m-my last------ The wolfs eyes widen as he realises what Puss is dreaming about.

It---s him.

He---s dreaming about him. Puss is seeing him in his dreams!
A dream about facing him, making him as scared as he---s always been--- back then. Sudden excitement begins to beat in Deaths chest and he slowly and softly places his paw next to Puss, so to not wake him up. Now hovering with his torso over puss he can---t hold back his excitement.
---Even in your dreams, you---re not safe from me, my little Puss------ His voice is nothing but a soft husk, he---s trying his best not to wake him up, but the excited wag of his tail and the entrancing smell make it so hard for him to resist.

Puss starts to turn again, first right, then left. --! He reached out his paw while turning, accidentally landing on Deaths paw and he stops there, grasping one of the wolfs fingers tightly. Completely taken aback Death watches as Puss pulls himself closer towards Deaths paw. His shivering whimper slowly started to fade as Puss unconsciously started to feel Deaths warmth and fur on his. With his head raised and a confused frown spreading on his face, Death slowly tried to move his grabbed paw. But as he moves it up from the bed Puss only grabs onto it tighter, fully embracing it now as Deaths fingers slightly hug him back.

Looking up as if he---s rolling his eyes with his whole head Death sighs with frustrated disappointment and falls to the side, laying back down on the bed. He looks back to puss with a frown and watches as his own hand lays on the cat like a blanket, seemingly giving him comfort. A slight twitch in his tightly held fingers before he tries to pet puss as best he can.
A deep purr starts to slowly emanate from Puss---s chest and the wolfs frown increases when his own tail subconsciously starts to wag again.